Established in the year 2016, we are an emerging chartered accountancy firm based in Bengaluru rendering comprehensive professional services which include audit, management consultancy, tax consultancy, accounting services and secretarial services.

Quote of the Day: "Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day... it comes from taking little steps, consistently"

Monday, 2 July 2018

Director? Get your KYC done before 31st August 2018!

As part of updating its registry, MCA would be conducting KYC of all Directors of all companies annually through a new eform viz. DIR-3 KYC to be notified and deployed shortly. 
Accordingly, every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before 31st March, 2018 and whose DIN is in ‘Approved’ status, would be mandatorily required to file form DIR-3 KYC. Filing of DIR-3 KYC would be mandatory for Disqualified Directors also.
On or before 31st August,2018
Details Required:
While filing the form,the Unique Personal Mobile Number and Personal Email ID would have to be mandatorily indicated and would be duly verified by One Time Password(OTP). The form should be filed by every Director using his own DSC and should be duly certified by a practicing professional (CA/CS/CMA). 
What if not complied?
After expiry of the due date by which the KYC form is to be filed,the MCA21 system will mark all approved DINs (allotted on or before 31st March 2018) against which DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as ‘Deactivated’ with reason as ‘Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’. After the due date filing of DIR-3 KYC in respect of such deactivated DINs shall be allowed upon payment of a specified fee only, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken.

For further assistance in getting your KYC done and filing DIR-3 KYC contact us at +91 9900397777 or mail us at

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