Established in the year 2016, we are an emerging chartered accountancy firm based in Bengaluru rendering comprehensive professional services which include audit, management consultancy, tax consultancy, accounting services and secretarial services.

Quote of the Day: "Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day... it comes from taking little steps, consistently"

Monday, 21 May 2018

Revision in Late Filing Fee by MCA

The Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Second Amendment Rules 2018 has been notified on 7th May 2018. 
Fresh RoC Filing after 30th June 2018:
Accordingly, in case the due date of filings under Section 92 (Annual Return) or 137 (Annual Financial Statement) of the Companies Act, 2013 expires after 30/06/2018, the additional fee @Rs.100 per day shall become payable in respect of MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS.
Belated RoC Filing:
In all other cases where the belated annual returns or balance sheet/financial statement which were due to be filed whether under the Companies Act,1956 (23AC,23ACA,23AC XBRL,23ACA XBRL,20B,21A) or the Companies Act, 2013 (MGT-7, AoC-4, AoC-4 XBRL and AoC-4 CFS) additional fee as per the applicable slab for the period of delay up to 30th June 2018 plus @Rs.100 per day w.e.f 1st July 2018 shall become payable. Stakeholders are advised to take note and plan accordingly.
For hassle free RoC Compliance contact us at 9900397777/

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